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---------------------------------------------------- old news  ---------------------------------- 


Chuck San Fillppo passed away last weekend. 


John Bailie died unexpectedly during his sleep last night (August 17, 2023). John had been a Sacramento Valley Live Steamers member for many years. He was a master machinist with no formal training but was an avid reader and largely self-taught in his craft. John was a builder and so much more. He often gave of his time to help members with their projects. John could be found around the railroad doing anything from raking leaves to solving complex mechanical issues. Our condolences to his wife Jackie, and his daughter Marie and her family. He will be greatly missed.






 We are sorry to hear that Verronica Taylor one of our past members passed away on June 11, from Cancer.   Her husband had passed in 2019.   They were very active in  previous  years with SVLS.    Verronica and Dale using their tractor to level the ground for the track maintance container - 2007.





It’s with great sadness to announce the passing of Ed Wishart. Ed passed away this morning after a brave battle with cancer the last few years. Despite his illness, he always made time for his passion: building locomotives and cars. He attended many club meets throughout California. Ed created several stunning locomotives and was a wealth of knowledge. Ed's presence and friendship will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him.





Dave Mattox.  Dave was 71, born in Schenectady, NY.  He moved to Tennessee in 2016.  Dave was a member of CSME, Central Pasco and Gulf Live Steamers,  Ridge Live Steamers,  and Florida Live Steamers.  Past member and officer of Sacramento Valley Live Steamers.  Dave also owned Bryterails and Madee K Kid Kar Kits.


Dave was married to Pat Collins-Mattox, children, Allison Mattox-King (Dale), Kelli Mattox-Graham (Jamie), and the two most wonderful granddaughters, Madellaine (Madee) King and Dakota Graham.


Memorial service will be announced at a later date.


Dave Mattox 

January 9, 2022 

We are sorry to hear that Linda A. Kitzmiller  passed away last week. Our Condolences. 


Karl W. Davison passed away peacefully on Monday, November 8, 2021 after a lengthy battle with Alzheimers Disease. Karl Was born on February 27, 1942 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Hanford, and lived most of his life in Lemoore.

He loved trains and enjoyed building and riding trains with his dear friend, Craig Craddock.








 Ross Crawford passed away Saturday July 25th 2020.

Ross had many jobs at SVLS: Trainmaster, renovation of club locos and cars and track switch renovation, mentor to many.




To those that want to send cards to Ross family.  

1207 Turnberry Ln
Roseville, California 95747  




Garrett Garnes recently passed away.  Garrett has been a member for several years.   




Our friend Marty Carapiet passed away on April 2, 2020.   He was a great supporter of our club and was always willing to help with any work needed.

Recently he had completed his Allen 10 Wheeler and had run it at the club along with family and freinds.






Paul Brink has passed away in November.  He was a supporter of G gauge live steam and active in bringing a G Gauge layout to our club to have a permanent layout.

Linda Craddock has passed away on July 10th.

Fureral service will be held at People's funeral chapel at 9:30 am on July 23rd.

Viewing the evening before. 

People's funeral chapel:  501 N Douty St, Hanford, CA 93230 




 Celebration of Life for Dale Taylor Saturday, June 8th, 2019 4PM to 7PM


The home of 

Scott & Barbara Ruffner 

7569 B Pratt Avenue Citrus Heights CA 95610  

 Read detail and directions here. 



The Yuma Territory Live Steamers  is sending out an invite to our friends for the Spring Meet of March 8,9,10.       See http://yumalivesteamers.org for directions

Friday night dinner at 5:00 will be Pizza with salad at $5 per person.  Saturday night dinner at 5:00 is pulled pork and beef brisket with all the trimming at $8 per person.

Some activities that may happen if there is interest are, Poker Run, Minnie Operation and Parade of Trains on Saturday.

We have soft water and air for Steam Engines. 

If you are coming please RSVP to livesteamersofyuma@yahoo.com  or call Leonard Houpt at 530-908-9732. Let us know how long of train you will bring and what meals you want. There is RV dry camping at the park. There is limited space at this time for about 10 trains.

Hope to see you there.

Leonard Houpt


Ken Willes passed away on Jan. 25th,  2019.

Services will be on Thursday February 7th - 10:00 AM  

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

2400 Cordova Lane

Rancho Cordova, California 


VISITATION - Wednesday February 6, 2019 4:00 to 7:00 PM

Price Funeral Chapel, Inc.

6335 Sunrise Blvd 

Citrus Heights, CA 


Kenken engine


Ken engine 



For more info about Ken  at SVLS and his great service in the Air Force see the Golden Spike February 2019 



 Bill Cody passed away on Oct 31. The services will be on December 12th at 1PM at Walton's Funeral Home at 1745 Sullivan Lane, Sparks NV. Please come and share your stories about your time with Bill.

Please R.S.V.P. by December 5th.

Thank You.
Rod Cody


Live steamer and steam expert Calvin C. Tinkham passed away peacefully at home August 13. He was 87. Known to his friends as Cal, he had been a member of the Northern Nevada Live Steamers, the Golden Gate Live Steamers, the Sacramento Valley Live Steamers and Train Mountain. His ten-wheeler Virginia & Truckee No. 26 logged thousands of miles on railroads around the west.

Born in June of 1931, Cal lived next to the tracks of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad that ran from Reno, Nevada to Virginia City. The daily trains running by his house and frequent rides on that line planted the seed that grew into his love for steam power. His first job was as a pipefitter’s helper in the Southern Pacific shops in Sparks, Nevada.

He went on to become a fireman on cab forwards running up the Southern Pacific Modoc line towards Oregon, and served a stint in the Army as a steam locomotive instructor in the transportation corps. By the end of the 1950s, it became clear that railroad steam power was nearing its end and there was little future for enginemen, so he moved on to other steam pursuits including obtaining a chief stationary engineer’s license.

He restored steam tractors and road rollers, and spent 17 years in the restoration shops of Harrah’s automobile collection in Reno. There he built or rebuilt low to high pressure boilers, steam generators, fire and water tube boilers, simple and compound stationary engines, and steam turbines. He also maintained Harrah’s narrow gauge locomotive, a coal burning steamboat and a steam popcorn wagon.

Cal’s skills were not limited to steam as he also designed and built a turntable for a pipe organ console and an automated machine for drilling holes in used gambling dice, and was even called upon to fabricate custom cookie cutters for the casino’s executive chef.

His friends recall his willingness to share his skills and knowledge and his talent as a builder. Ken Schroeder, owner of the host railroad of the Northern Nevada Live Steamers, said, “Steam was in his blood, and if you needed to know anything he would always share. He was a great builder, he rarely used castings. He’d just machine what he wanted out of the solid.”

Steve Alley, owner of Allen Models of Nevada, said, “Cal was the man that got me started. When I walked in at the Northern Nevada Live Steamers he made it so easy to feel welcome. That was the key that drew me into what I have become.”

Sacramento Valley Live Steamers member Greg Lewis said, “He was more than a mentor. He was like a brother. His generosity with his time and knowledge was legendary.”

Long-time friend Roger Gash said, “We were lucky to know him. He was generous and sharing.”

Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Mignonne, and his brother, John.

Remembrances may be sent to the Sacramento Valley Live Steamers, the Golden Gate Live Steamers, or the Nevada State Railroad Museum for use or restoration of historical equipment. 




On March 15th, 2018 Betty McKenzie passed away unable to recover from a flu type illness. Betty was 94 years of age. She is survived by three sons, Grant, Alan and Dale, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She is buried along with her husband of over 50 years at East Lawn Cemetery in Sacramento, Ca.
At the very beginning of the Sacramento Valley Live Steamers club there was no club track, no club equipment, nothing except two dozen or so people that shared a dream of a live steam club in the Sacramento area. At that time the nascent group met at each others houses to plan a future that would hopefully result in a club track. The house that was open for the most meetings and had the best hosts belonged to the McKenzie's. Earl, a gruff looking ex Western Pacific steam locomotive mechanic with a heart of gold and his wife Betty, a beauty that made the best chili and made sure their guests wanted for nothing.
During this period the club members laid about a hundred feet of 4-3/4" gage track for a Western Pacific Mikado Earl was building along one side of his house. Again Betty was a wonderful hostess making sure the work crews were wanting for naught. It was on this track the infamous movie of this authors tee shirt being blown about by the exhaust of his 1" scale 0-6-0 being tested on air while he was sitting on the boiler. No tender having been built yet. Betty, as well as everyone else, still chuckles at that slightly embarrassing debacle whenever I would visit and the home movies came out.


Art Crisp Died November 2nd.  Art was an associate member for the last 10 years.


Memorial Service for Anne Sach 

June 17th at 3:30PM

            7th Day Adventist Church   

914 Cirby Way

Roseville, California    


Anne Sach passed away  peacefully in her sleep this morning, April 28, 2017. We know she is out of pain and in a better place.  Thank you who have sent your prayers to us and to keep us in your prayers as we go forward.    The Sach family.



flyer for invite

Charles(Chuck) Barnes of Modesto, CA passed away February 20th, 2017 after an illness.  Chuck was a SVLSRM member since 2009. 

Arrangements: Allen Mortuary, Turlock.  

UPDATE  12/26  (Monday)  Trailer and trains were found. 

SVLSRM member Jim Welch train trailer with train inside was stolen Friday night.
See news stories:  
Has been reported to CHP.    Please watch and report to CHP if seen.

 happy Holiday

 happy new year

NEW YEARS DAY 2017 Members Run Day 

Let’s start the New Year with a lot of steam, or smelly diesel and bring out your locomotive, rolling stock and enjoy a members run day on January 1, 2017.

Bring food to share (potluck) for lunch.

Mark your calendar for Sunday January 1. 

Running starts at 10 AM and lunch about 1 PM.  

Ring in the New Year’s Day behind your equipment and with fellow railroad members.


Freind and member Tom Lutrel passed away on October 17th.  He was always great to be around.  Tom was a member since 2007.
Funeral is:  November 5th, 2016     6PM      
First Baptist Church
3033 Bonifacio St.
Concord, California 94519





 Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum 

General Membership Meeting Agenda 

July 17, 2016 at 1:00pm 

I. Call meeting to order 

II. Attendance 

III. Financial Report 

IV. New Business 

a. Board of Directors proposes the establishment of a “Track Fund” to save for the purchase of rail and tie material 

b. Board of Directors proposes $1000 seed money to be transferred from the Insurance Fund to the Track Fund 

c. Board of Directors proposes $1000 seed money to be transferred from the Locomotive Fund to the Track Fund 

d. Board of Directors proposes $2500 seed money to be transferred from the General Fund to the Track Fund 

e. Board of Directors proposes revision of the disbursement percentage allocations as follows: 

“20% Insurance, 20% Locomotive, 20% Track, 40% General” 


f. Board of Directors needs approval to spend up to $4500 for the purchase of rail and tie material 

g. Board of Directors seeks approval to increase the one-time new member track fee from $30 to $40, and designate 100% of said fee to Track Fund, effective Jan 1, 2017 


V. Adjournment of meeting 

Golden Gate Live Steamers (GGLS) will celebrating their 80th Anniversary as the oldest live steam club in the Untied States. To celebrate this, they are planning on having an Anniversary Meet.

The dates will be August 5th-7th.

Visit their web site for latest information and download registration form if you want to attend. 
They want to celebrate their success with fellow live steamers. 

If you would like to attend, send your registration form ASAP.
 GGLS 80th

Long time SVLSRM member and locomotive builder Joe Yetter passed away on April 10, 2016.
Joe was known for building two Daylight locomotives and had just finished a 4-10-2 that first ran in Fall 2015.
Joe Yetter and engines
Joe's newest locomotive 

Board meeting date change.  Starting in May 2016 the board meeting will be on the 2nd Monday of each month.  
Same location.  Rancho Cordova city hall.

 James Lester Hoback passed away Sunday, October 25th in Sonora Regional Medical Center, Sonora.  Terzich and Wilson Funeral Home are handling the arrangements.


2015 Fall meet photos are now posted.  There are two folders to view.

Thanks to Robert Forren, Donald Yungling, & Bill Yoder 


Correction to our schedule,  Members run day for June is on the Sunday 21st (not the 20th).
This day is also Fathers day, so what better day than that to play with your train.
Members come out and join fellow members and play trains.
Pot luck lunch - bring and share. 

 Robert (Bob) Harold of Carson City, NV. died 4/14/2015,  he was a member of SVLSRM since 2000, also a member of Northern Nevada Live Steamers (NNLS), and Train Mountain. 
There will be no service here but there will be a viewing on Friday at Walton’s Funeral home from 2:00 to 4:00     Carson City at 1281 N. Roop Street.
 Bob Harold

New schedule for public rides, First Weekend of March - October starting at 11 AM to 3 PM.   See schedule for changes or additional events.


Robert Reedy passed away on July 22 in Santa Cruz.   Robert had remainded a member of SVLSRM.  He was a skilled machinist and enjoyed the Live Steam hobby.   
The celebration of his life will be held on August 3 at 1 PM at the Santa Cruz Bible Church, 440 Frederick St, Santa Cruz. - See more at: 



See photos from 2014 Spring meet  here 





Earl L. Rogers, III aka Bud Rogers and fellow member of SVLSRM,  passed away Thursday morning, April 10, 2014, 



Red Hadler has passed away this week.  He lost his fight with leukemia.,  I had several praises  from people that made an effort to give blood to Red and how he had been very helpful to them learning about the hobby.   

Red Hadler Funeral and Celebration of life info:

Wed, Apr 2, 2014 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Herberger Family Elk Grove Funeral Chapel
9101 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624

Thurs, Apr. 3, 2014 12:30 pm
Sacramento Valley National Cemetery - Dixon
5810 Midway Rd., Dixon, CA 95620

Celebration of Life:
Fri, Apr. 4, 2014 6:00pm
California State Railroad Museum

Please RSVP by April 3rd to: Susannah Rominger, at (916) 445-7373 or E-mail: srominger@parks.ca.gov 








Thanks to Donald Yungling for sharing photos.

Finaly some 2013 Fall Meet pictures thanks to Rober Forren.



Visit Meet Photos in index to the left. 


If others would like to share photos from the meet please sent to Editor.  



Bruce Eaton passed away 17 Nov 2013 in Redding, CA.  He was a long time member of SVLS and of Golden Gate Live Steamers, not to mention Train Mountain.  His business was "The Car Shop/Shinglecreek RR" at his house near Shingletown, CA.  He was a very skilled locomotive and rolling stock fabricator.  He was also a very respected dental lab specialist, (Eaton Dental Lab).  He will be missed my many in the live steam hobby, about which he was very passionate.
Arrangements are by Lawncrest Chapel in Redding (530-222-1587)
 Thanks to Charlie Meinershagen  for the notice.


Jeanette Marie daughter of Betty Arney passed away on November 16th.

Family and friends are welcome to attend her Memorial Service on Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 11:00 AM at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 7869 Kingswood Dr., Citrus Heights.
In Lieu of flowers Memorial Contributions may be made to St. Mark's Lutheran Church or A Community for Peace, 6060 Sunrise Vista Rd., Citrus Heights, CA 95610. 


 Colfax Railroad Days


The 39th anniversary date is July 20,21. We have a train fest meet Sep 14 & 15 end of the year get together. SVLS & GGLS are welcome at both meets.


flyer invite


Towle Brothers Railroad
 Placer-Sierra Railroad Heritage Society based in Colfax, CA announces the publication of a new book on Towle Brothers Company, authored by Roger Staab, PSRHS historian.  Maps, photos, newspaper quotes and integrating text follow the evolution of Towle Brothers’ lumber operations and their narrow gauge logging railroad in Placer and Nevada Counties in the late 1800's, along with the rise and fall of the town of Towle established by Towle Brothers to support their lumber businesses.  The book also touches on the accomplishments of some of the descendants of the extended Towle Brothers family.

Roger will make a presentation on Towle Brothers at the Sierra Narrow Gauge Conference being held at the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum in Nevada City June 18-21.  Copies of the book will be available at the conference.  The book can also be ordered on-line at  www.thebookpatch.com
Click on the bookstore tab, then search for ‘Towle Brothers’. 

Proceeds from sale of the book go toward PSRHS historic preservation and education activities.


Rod Clifton Memorial service will be held December 21, 2012 at 1:00 PM at the Green Valley Community Church.

3500 Missouri Flat Road
Placerville, CA 95667
Phone: 530-622-3231 

Take US 50 towards Placerville.   Take exit #43 El Dorado Rd. Turn Left onto El Dorado Rd, in 1.1 mile turn Left onto Missouri Flat Rd.



Notice General Membership meeting Friday Nov 16th 7:30 PM at Hagan Park meeting room #1 (large on on left).   Short meeting & Elections,  Special vdeo on UP snow service, Social time and Snacks.   Please join us. 





NaDene Willes passed away on November 4, 2012.  NaDene and Ken have have been members of the club for many years. 

Services are Saturday (Nov. 10th) at 10AM at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Goethe Park Ward Chapel at 2400 Cordova Lane, Rancho Cordova

 Our condolences to Ken, Terry and the family.



 Join us for a scarry GHOST train ride for Halloween.   These train rides will be October 26,27,30, & 31 7 to 10pm.



Steve Kennedy, age 56, suddenly died Aug. 20th.  Steve, and father-in-law Frank Bartholomew, both joined SVLS this year.  Steve was a Mail Carrier from Fair Oaks.  They just ran trains here on Sunday, July 29th and brought a group of kids from Elk Grove and Mariposa.  


NOTICE:  The SVLSRM Fall Meet will now be held October 19-21.  This was moved from September since we wanted cooler weather and we could since the "Haunted House" moved outside the park this year thus freeing up the space.  



We will still being doing our "Ghost train" rides the last weekend and the 30 & 31 of October. 

Please join us for the Fall Meet and come out the following week to help with setup or running the "Ghost train"

Thank You



Funeral services at Lassila Lincoln Funeral Home

406 H Street


Lincoln, CA


Thursday July 12,2012

Viewing 10:00-11:00 am

Funeral 11:00 am  


Vern Geyer passed away on Friday July 6th, 2012.  Vern joined SVLS in the early 1990's.   He was very active member and served on the board of directors for many years.   Our condolences to Clio and family.



Thanks to all that worked to make our Our annual Pacific Regional Meet a great event.

Thanks to all that brought their engines and trains making this a great train meet.



Pete Arney passed away on Friday March 9th, 2012

Pete was a SVLSRM member for over 10 years and had served as Club  president.  He was a very hard worker for the club. 

Memory video 

There will be services at St. Marks Lutheran Church on March 18th at  3:30pm
address is:  

7869 Kingswood Dr
Citrus Heights, CA  

We still need help to finish the track replacement before our first public run day.  We have been slowed by the loss of our tractor which was stolen from locked container.  The tractor was a 1951 Fergerson red/orange in color, has front loader.  If you see it then please call the Rancho Cordova Police.  We are offering a $1000 reward for its reutrn in same condition as taken.

This Tuesday Jan 24 workday is canceled due to rain/wet ground.   Please make an effort to come out on Saturday.
Please note we are scheduling every Saturday during the month of January and February a workday.  We are replacing 440 feet of track/roadbed so your help is needed.   There are other projects for those that prefer something different.
Contact Bill for additional info. 

January membership meeting is canceled.

Stay tuned for new location for February. 


New appointments were approved at the January Board of Directors meeting.

Dennis Gramith as Vice President.
Amy Lutrel as Membership Chairperson.
Paul Skidmore as Safety Chairperson. 

 January 1, 2012 is our annual members run day.   Start the year with lots of steam!

Bring your train and ride the rails.  Bring a pot-luck lunch to share.   




Join us at the Colfax Railroad Days October 1 & 2. SVLS will have its steamer running on our portable track near the community center. The Western Pacific Railroad Museum will have a collection of historic rolling stock for public tour.  Historic and Documentary films,  Motor car rides and other exhibits.  





Notice: July Membership meeting changed to be at the track on Sunday July 17 at 12:30.   This day is also our Member run day (all day) so bring your train and ride the rails.  This is a good time to bring your new projects to show.  Please join us for a pot luck lunch too.  


Notice: The June board meeting is changed to June 21. 



Memorial Day Open House in Modesto
We at the Break Time Railroad in Modesto (est. 1989) are having an open house on Memorial Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 28/29.  We have almost a real mile of 7.5" gauge track and you (with or without your train) would be most welcome to join us.  Here's a map to our pike:  http://tinyurl.com/27bvvbk , and here's a link to pictures on Photobucket:  http://tinyurl.com/2eprse3 . 
If you have any questions, please contact Mark Spencer at mark@jellofish.net  or 209 522-5125 (home) or 209 681-5223 (cell). 
Thanks, we hope you can come!







The Pacific Regional Meet May 20-22


For details on Regional meet and the CSRM tour please contact Matt Mason (916) 812-0055

Please do not contact the State Railroad Museum about the tour as Matt is the point of contact.


Special SVLSRM memorial dedication will be at 3pm.  


RV parking and Dinner reservations please call Clio Geyer (916) 645-9154 


Bring your engine and join us for several days of running trains.


Day and night running.


Consignment table.



Breakfast (Sat. & Sun.)


Dinner (Friday $5., Saturday $12.50)


See you at the track. 




The CSRM shop tour is on Sunday at 2 p.m. It will be led by Al DiPaolo, CMO of the Railroad Museum. It is limited to 30 people, but there is no charge for it if you are coming for the meet (usually there is a $15+ charge for tickets for this kind of tour). 

For those attending the meet and wanting to go, they will need to contact Matt Mason directly. No one goes without a liability waiver, knowing the rules, and knowing the secret handshake. After finding out all of that, you will be given the information on where to meet and how we will go into the shops.

This section of the museum is NOT a public area and is a WORKING shop, so there are limits both physical and age-wise. To attend, you must meet the flowing requirements:
  • Be in good physical shape that can comfortably walk without assistance. The floor is uneven and at times oily and greasy.
  • Sign a liability waiver you get from Matt Mason. 
  • Be at least 18-years old.
  • Wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes. Sandals, flip-flops, etc. will not be allowed.
There is some real history inside those walls right now, including one SP Alameda commute engine sitting in the same original 1869 building it was built in. This really is a one-time event.

 To attend the CSRM tour please contact Matt Mason. 



 Tony Rohrs who was a SVLS member and a club president passed away on Tuesday (Feb 1).

Memorial service for Tony will be on Saturday, February 12 at 11 AM. The location is the Carmichael Presbyterian Church - 5645 Marconi Ave, Carmichael, CA 95608 916-486-3771. 



2010 Fall meet photos are viewable now.   




Notice our regular membership meeting is being held at 6:30 at our caboose.  This is due to the Halloween event which starts at 7:30.




The Hagan Haunted Express will be the train to ride for Halloween.  Experience the fun of designing and building the track side scary entertainment.   Check for current activities on the Hagan Haunted Express web site  or call Pete Arney at 916-988-2000 




Long time SVSL member and Friend Bob Lovell passed away on Monday afternoon.
There will be a viewing on Friday, May 7th from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm. 

at the-

Palm Mortuary
7600 s Eastern st
Las Vegas NV
There will be no service.



See Spring Meet photos on-line now.  

More photos from Donald Yungling (follow link above).



Welcome to Our 37th annual spring meet

May 1st and 2nd we will host our 37th annual Spring Meet. This year we are trying an experiment and moving the Spring Meet forward to the first weekend in May instead of its traditional 3rd weekend in May which is the anniversary of the driving of the golden spike in 1973. In spite of conflicts with other live steam events we hope to see you at the track for Spring Meet.

One noticeable change at this years meet will be the loss of shade in the steaming bays. After holding out for many years wind damage and other factors forced us to remove the last two mulberry trees in the steaming bays. While this will result in a little less shade this year we are working on planting new shade trees and making plans for a future shade structure. In the mean time we will provide as much shade possible using tents and canopies.

Friday night pot luck dinner 

Friday night April 30th we will have a pot luck spaghetti dinner. To participate in the dinner just chip in $5 per person and bring a desert to share with everyone.

Saturday night dinner

Saturday night we will have a BBQ dinner; reservations must be made a head of time. Dinner tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children under 10 years of age.

If you haven’t already done so please let us know if you plan to participate in the pot luck and/or please male your reservations for the Saturday night dinner. If you weren’t called by someone on the phone tree and made your reservations, please call Lee Frechette at (916) 205-6791 to make reservations.

Please remember to register at the meet starting Friday morning before unloading equipment or parking your RV. This allows us to be more efficient and accommodate more guests.

If you have any questions please call Lee Frechette at (916) 205-6791 



The Ione Railfair and Vintage Motorfest has been canceled for 2010.




There are some new posting of old pictures from previous meets.   Spring and Fall of 2002 including one video for the spring meet.

 Click the Meet pictures index.


Don't forget our Spring meet the first weekend of May - Bring your train and show it off.  Visit old friends and meet new ones. 





With sadness we report the passing away of two members of SVLS.

Paul Clifton who passed away on January 4th.  Our condolences to Lois and the family.

Paul’s memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23, at Mount Vernon Memorial Park on Greenback Lane in Citrus Heights. 





Long time member Joel Corbin passed away on January 1st. 

Joel's memorial service will be at Fullerton EV Free church in Fullerton, CA.  on Friday the 15th of January at 1PM. 


 Joel Corbin


Dec 23, 2009

The 4 3/4" gauge track is now open for use.  Thanks to Matt Mason. 


Visit us at  the International Rail Fair 2009.   Rides are available.  


Come to the Placer County Fairgrounds in Roseville. 

Click here for more info.


Americorps work crew will be out on November 12th to help with yard work and maybe other projects.   Members if you can help also please come out.


Don Yungling added a few pictures from our Oct. 18th run day to his picture site of SVLS.

See pictures here



 The Halloween Ghost train event is canceled.  We will try again next year.  Have a spooky Halloween.


 Fall meet photos have been added to photo section.


 SVLSRM now has a Facebook page thanks to Andy Berchielli (our yardmaster).

Please visit the page and be a friend of SLVSRM.  

Use link under menu "links" or click here.

SVLSRM Members are invited to the Garden RR Picnic on the 15th of August.   
Please come out and help run trains, and bring your own train to show and run. 
There will be food and a raffle. 
Aug 8th, 2009 

Dear S.V.L.S. members,
ON behalf of myself and my two sisters, I would liketo thank all of you for coming to our fathers memorial and gathering afterwords. We could all tell by those who spoke that he was loved by all. We thank you for all the food and hope everyone that attended enjoyed it as well.
                                                                                                    Thanks again,
                                                                                  Wayne, Julie and Darlene

Celebrate July 4th come out and run your train on July 3rd and 4th.   Public rides noon to 4pm each day.

We are sorry to report that Milon Thorley passed away on June 11th. Our condolences to the family.

Milon was an original member of the SVLS.  He enjoyed steaming and helping others learn how.
Milon   Milon

New photos added from Spring meet. Thanks to Gordon Briggs, Lois Clifton, and Bill Yoder

Spring MEET   May 16-17
Two days of seeing lots of locomotives.
Public rides  on May 17 Noon  to 4PM
If attending dinner Saturday evening please make your reservation with Lois by may 12th 

UP 844 Western Heritage Tour - April 11 - May 12 Cheyenne-California-Cheyenne 

Will be in Roseville yard Saturday April 18 noon to 3 pm.

See complete schedule 


4th Annual Ione Railfair and Vintage Motorfest 

Join the Festivities at Ione, California on May 23-24, 2009  free Admission.

Ride in the large Skagit motorcar, in rail speeders, or on a handcar on the historic Amador Central Railroad; it's great fun for individuals, families, and groups.

For more information see:   www.ionerailfair.org 


Congratulations to SVLS.  The Cordova Community Council announced that we have been selected the winner of the 2009 "Community service Award". We will be honored during the 10th Annual Community Volunteer Awards and Mardi Gras Party scheduled for Friday, Feb 27.  tickets are available for $20 each.  

Details:  6 p.m Cocktails,  6:30 p.m.  Dinner,  and Program  at 7 p.m. Followed by a Mardi Gras Party. Location: American River Room, Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Dr.   

Contact Shelly at (916) 273-5704 for reservations.



Join us for a special demonstration on applying decals.   Kevin Sach will show us the method to apply decals durning our workday March 21st.


On 11/30/2008, SVLSRM participated in the City of Rancho Cordova Christmas tree lighting event at the new Capital Village city park by giving free train rides to all. For our participation, we were awarded a Certificate of Recognition by Mayor Linda Budge at city hall on December 15.  See the award ceremony at city hall on this video link .

The screen for the Rancho Cordova City Council Meeting for December 15 will be presented.  Click on "Jump to..." below the video screen then click on "5.1 Presentation of Certificates...".  Our brief part of the ceremony will occur at about 20 minutes into the video.   A very neat media presentation of the entire tree lighting ceremony occurs at 34 minutes.  We have some nice shots in that presentation.

Good news on Monday evening (Nov. 4th) Roger's trailer and trains were recovered, he stated all is okay. 


Train trailer with 8 rail cars stolen on Oct 28th from the Bakerfield California area. 

This belongs to Roger Frymire. This is a 12' Pace cargo sport with Union Pacific logo on the sides, Bittercreek Western logo and the Kern county Live Steamers logo on the rear.





Fall Meet photos are posted. There are two groups for now, there should me more later so check back.

Thanks to Greg Lewis who provide some great photos.

Additional photos added thanks to Craig Craddock and Gordon Briggs

See the three FALL Meet links in menu.

Both unloading ramps will be out of service Sep 13 through Sep 24. New concrete is being installed to raise the level of the unloading pads by 6 inches to meet the level of the recently placed asphalt. Direct questions to Pete Arney, Pres. or Lee Frechette, Vice-pres.

Our Fall Meet is September 27-28.

Darrel McWhirk, a long time member of SVLS passed away on Monday, July 28. He was a resident of Yuba City.

Darrel will always be remembered for donating his steam engine, #1973, to SVLS years ago, as well as being one of SVLS's long time members. This was one of the first steam engines to run on the tracks. We continue to use the steam engine today.

He was 86. Service will be Saturday, August 2 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1390 Franklin Road, Yuba City.

More photos added to Spring meet link. Thanks to Kevin Sach (see second page)

May 29, 2008

New photos and video added from Spring Meet.

Thanks to Gordon Briggs and Leonard Houpt for sharing photos.

Spring meet May 17 - 18

March 21, 2008

Updated Procedures for steaming our #1973 steam engine.

Presented to you from the Trainmaster. Download from documents section or here .

March 8, 2008


Added a few pictures to the History page about the Golden Spike ceremony in 1973.

Also see a video for our 30th anniversary which featured interviews about the start of the svls, pictures plus some original film.

First Public run day of the year - Saturday March 1 Noon to 4 PM

Come out and enjoy the sunshine and ride a train.

Nov 28, 2007

Updated procedures for Steaming Up #1973 steam engine. Presented to you from the Trainmaster. Download from documents section or here .


Nov 14, 2007

2007 Fall Photos now online. (new ones added)

Thanks to Gordon Briggs, John Haines, Red Hadler, Lois Clifton & Bill Yoder for sharing their photos.



Oct. 7, 2007

Updated Track plan map loaded, now in Documents section in PDF format.

Sept. 30, 2007

For those interested in local railroad history:

By: Jack Duncan
For: Placer County Historical Society
Where: Auburn Veterans Memorial Hall
When: Thursday, October 4, 2007
Time: 6:30 Dinner - $13.00 *
7:30 Program – No Charge
*Note: Dinner is optional. Just walk in at 7:30 for program.

Cape Horn

Contact the Placer County Historical Society

Sept. 1, 2007

New procedures for Steaming Up #1973 steam engine. Presented to you from the Trainmaster. Download from documents section or here .


Aug. 16, 2007

SVLSRM was included in a special on Rancho Cordova in the "Prosper" magazine. You can see "24 Hours in Rancho cordova" by Ken James online here . There is also a short video.


July 5, 2007

2007 Spring meet video of Ed Yungling's CabForward at the track. Video made by Dale Dennis.

Cab forward Loco


June 13, 2007

Thanks to Don Yungling and Lois Clifton we have some pictures taken at the 2007 Spring Meet.

See them here .

May 26, 2007

See new map of live steam tracks on our information page or see map here .
Special thanks to Dave August for providing this effort.


Mar. 28, 2007

The April meeting will be held at the track in Hagan Park on Saturday, April 21, 2007. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. Following the meeting, there will be a brunch for all members.



Mar. 12, 2007

Visit our projects page for current projects, status, and photos. Your time and talent is requested to help complete our spring projects.

Feb 8, 2007

Dale Dennis created a video call "The Little Train of Caipira" features trains at svlsrm with the background music of the same name played by Andre kostelanetz and his Orchestra.

See it on our video page.


Nov. 20, 2006

Trainmen Auxiliary Program (TAP's) In this program the TAP's will be learning about different types of equipment, Steam and Diesel Locomotives ( both operation and maintenance), Track and signal systems, railroad maintenance, track repair and construction, and club guidelines. The TAP's will have a chance to earn Merits in these areas which will allow them to participate in more opportunities. We are excited to share all the knowledge with these eager youth! If you or someone you know is interested in this program please contact SVLS for more info.


Nov. 2006 Meeting Our first meeting was a big hit! We met on Nov. 18th, 2006. We are starting the meeting with six new TAP's and hope to get lots more. We learned about the history of our club, and about track (Switches, Frogs, Ties, etc...) We also got to see some parts of a Steam Locomotive. We ended the day with a ride around the track. The next meeting we are going to set the guidelines for earning the merits and learn a little more about our track. We are always looking for Bright young face's so please join us for the next meeting Dec. 16th, 2006 @ 12pm down at the track!

Contact Amy Lutrel (916) 344-8989 or email Amy .


Nov. 17 General meeting Election results: Elected were Pete Arney as Vice President, Lois Clifton as Treasurer, Darrell Gomes as Track Superintendent, and Richard Lutrel as Yardmaster.


SVLSRM 2007 CALENDAR (updated Nov 17) 1. Board Meetings will be on the last Tuesday of each month with a couple of exceptions due to holidays and calendar issues. All meetings start at 6:30 PM to accommodate retired folks and those still working. BOD Dates:

Wed.,January 3
Tue., Jan. 30
Tue., Feb 27
Tue., Mar. 27
Mon., April 30
Tues., May 29
Tues., June 26
Tues., July 31
Tues., Aug. 28
Tues., Sept. 25
Tues., Oct. 30 (Day prior to Scary U, but a school night for the kids.)
Tues., Nov. 27 (Last 2007 Board meeting.)
January 2008 date to be decided by the new Board.
2. Membership Meetings are on the third Friday all year, starting at 7:30 PM.
3. New Year’s Day member only run day on Monday, Jan. 1, 2007, starting 9:00 AM.
4. Spring Meet is for the third weekend in May.
5. Independence Day celebration is for Wednesday, July 4th plus additional days desired by park staff and organizers of the park event. (This could lead to activities for several days.) We will participate in the parade on the 4th again, with a float.
6. Haunted House on Oct. 31 plus additional days to be discussed with Jerry Jewell.
7. Santa Run on December 1 & 2, the first weekend.
8. Fall meet third weekend in Oct.


Fall Meet photos now online. Thanks to Kevin Sach, Lois Clifton, and Leonard Houpt for sharing their photos. J


oin us at the International Rail Fair at the Roseville, Ca. fair grounds November 11-12.


Life Member Harry Harward passed away on August 22 at the age of 96. He had been seriously ill for a while and spent time in the hospital before passing away. The attached link to the Sac Bee obituary indicates a remembrance ceremony will be held in Worchester, Mass, at interment with his wife Georgette. Harry loved to come to the track and talk to the people at the station with his engineers overalls, kerchief, and cap on. http://www.legacy.com/sacbee/DeathNotices.asp?Page=LifeStoryPrint&PersonID=19055007


SVLS member Henry Aguirri of Nevada City has passed away. There will be a memorial service for him on September 24,2006 from 11:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at Crete Hall, Hutchins st Square, 125 S Hutchins St., in Lodi Ca. July 14, 2006 -


Introducing The Home Railway Journal There is new magazine devoted to those who have built or are interested in home railways. The Home Railway Journal focuses on those live steamers who have a track at home. The articles are also useful for those who want a magazine devoted to live steam railroads. visit: http://svls.org/text/www.homerailwayjournal.com


June 11, 2006 - Fourth of July run days and events. SVLSRM will be running in July: Sat. 7/1 12n-4p, Sun. 7/2 12n-4p, Mon. 7/3 4p-8p, Tue. 7/4 12n- ?, and Sun. 7/16 12n-4p. We will have at least one train and two volunteers all four days (the same two volunteers). We do have some other volunteers as well for 7/1 and 7/4. However, we would like this to be more representative of our organization so more volunteers are urged to help out. Please let Joel or me know if you can spare a few hours over the holiday weekend. See special 4th of July activities in Hagan Community Park by the city of Rancho Cordova here. (http://www.ranchocordovajuly4th.com/)


June 8, 2006 - Photos of the 2006 Spring Meet have been posted on SVLS web. Special thanks to Daniel Morris for sharing many of his photos. There are two link to look at: 2006 Spring meet 1 & 2. Enjoy.

Hey Members,
Do you enjoy those great BBQ and during our meets?

Then we could really use your help in getting a new BBQ.
We need one made to cook for large crowds. (like the up coming meet)

Please help by giving a donation for the BBQ.

We need to raise $428.93 If you can donate please Call Lois (916) 722-8514

Les Wilmunder has donated $150 to start the BBQ fund, who else will donate.


May 4, 2006

There is a change in the time of Louise Yungling's service. Due to a parade that will close down Elk Grove blvd. the service has been rescheduled for 1:00 pm. It is still on Saturday, May 6th. If there are still roadblocks, ask for directions to the funeral home and the traffic directors will help you get to the service. It is also suggested exiting at Bond road, East to Waterman road, South to Elk Grove boulevard, West to the Chapel.

The reception has been moved to Ed Yungling's house immediately following the service.
Maps to Ed's house will be available at the Chapel.

April 30, 2006

There will be a memorial service for Louise Yungling, wife of Edwin Yungling on May 6th. 2006 at 1:00 pm (new time) at the Elk Grove Funeral Chapel.

The chapel is located at 9101 Elk Grove Blvd. in Elk Grove. Coming from highway 99 you would head East on Elk Grove Blvd. and one block past the railroad tracks you will find the Chapel on the left (North) side of the street. There is additional parking on the South side of Elk Grove blvd directly across from the Chapel. There will be a gathering afterwards.

Louise was born December 14th. 1934 at Represa, Ca (Folsom). My parents were married in 1953. They had five children. She lived most of her life in California except for the time my father was in the Air Force. Our family settled down in Rancho Cordova in 1963. When the SVLS was formed in the late 1960's our family was one of the host families for the SVLS monthly meetings until a home was found at the recreation center. We also stored the riding cars and various equipment until permanent homes for them became available at the park. My mom was always a gracious host and her efforts were well appreciated. In the late 1980's my parents moved to Wilton, Ca. and built a home and shop on five acres. My mom really enjoyed the peace of country living and she had planted trees and plants everywhere. The WIlton home became a sort of central meeting place for holidays and special occasions for our family. Our family is very saddened by her sudden departure since her ailments were not considered life threatening. She was 71 years of age when she passed away.

Donald Yungling

April 28, 2006

Louise Yungling, wife of Edwin Yungling (a founding member), passed away on April 28th, 2006. She had just completed her chemo and radiation therapy treatments for lung cancer and was in remission when she suffered three compression fractures in her spine. She had two surgeries to repair her vertebra but they left her paralyzed from the middle of her body down. While undergoing therapy she suddenly contracted pneumonia in both of her lungs which she was unable to recover from. Arrangements are being made for a memorial service and details will be provided when they become available.

On December 9th. 2005 Toyoko Yungling, wife of Donald Yungling, underwent surgery to replace her Aorta valve which was rapidly deteriorating. The surgery was successful with only a complication from a blood thinner (Heparin) which caused her platelets to drop to a dangerously low level. The surgeons and hematologists were able to diagnose and treat this condition and Toy was able to come home a couple of days before Christmas. She is still recovering and getting stronger and more active every day.In fact I wish I had her stamina and drive.
Donald Yungling

March 31, 2006 A new Area Information web page has be setup to give references to area services like: Police, Hospital, Pharmacies, Animal care, Shopping, Restaurants, Auto stuff, Service stations, Hardware, Banks, Hotels.

Request for those that are receiving our news letter the Golden Spike to select reading it on-line and not receiving it by US mail. An E-mail notice can be sent when it is published. Please notify the newsletter Editor via E-mail.


2006 Public runs - First run is March 4th Noon to 4 PM.

Dec. 27, 2005 - Vandals broke into SVLSRM fenced area and took about 60+ feet of aluminum rail used with the portable track setup.

Gate broken into and ties removed from rail

Nov. 24, 2005 - The SVLS web site can be access from you cell phone if you have web enabled cell phone. Just use the follow URL:
This gives you access to three sections of the web: Calendar, News, and Track status. More features can be added if users find it useful.

Nov. 4, 2005 - Long-time member Darrel McWhirk had a stroke nearly a week ago. He is improving each day. He expects to be transferred to a convalescent hospital soon. We are confident he will eventually be able to come home again.
Everyone should know Darrel's name, as he was the one who started the SVLS steam program with the no-strings attached donation of his ten wheeler to the club. Now SVLS 1973, the club steamer has always been a semi-"club engine." When still painted as Rutland 70, Darrel would let many members run his engine to share the live steam experience. Kids were especially famous on his engine, as he would ride behind or on the tank car and let them run the 1800' loop on passenger trains.

Please keep both Darrel and Anita in your prayers for a speedy recovery.

Nov. 3, 2005 - Our Fall meet photos are now for viewing. - Thanks to Red and Bill for the Photos.

Oct. 24, 2005 - New brochure with 2006 ride schedule is in documents sections. Updated RULES book also now available in documents section.

Oct. 5, 2005 - Al SHELLEY, Passed away on September 26, 2005. Al was a founding member of SVLS in 1973.

Please join Al's family and friends for a celebration of his life on Sunday, October 16, 2005 at the California State Railroad Museum. There will be a train ride on the Sacramento Southem Railroad at 5:00 p.m. departing from the foot of "I" Street in Old Sacramento. Following the train ride, the celebration will continue in the Museum Roundhouse. Please enter the Roundhouse through the Turntable doors (on the Sacramento River side of the Museum).
In lieu of flowers, Al would be pleased if all would register on the National Organ Donor Registry. Al was on dialysis for the last 7 months of his life and saw many young people at his appointments who would have a chance at a normal life with a donated kidney. Mary asks if you have railroad clothes, wear them. (from Sacramento Bee)

See Funeral Notices for Al in Sacramento Bee.

Al and Mary Shelley along with Karl Mahler

Al and Mary Shelley, along with Karl Mahler who volunteered at our booth during the grand opening of the Stanford Mansion Sept. 11, 2005

Sept. 20, 2005 - UPDATE to calendar. Date changes.

October board meeting changed to Sept. 29th at 7:00 PM

Haunted house October 28,29, & 31. VIP night on Friday, October 28 and then the first public display on Saturday night, October 29. Sunday the 30th will be skipped and it will open once again on Halloween night, Monday the 31st. SVLS volunteers are needed. If you can help, contact Clio or Vern Geyer (916-645-9154)

Sept. 13, 2005 - ALERT - to stolen track.

Private tracks are no different than club tracks...lowlifes stealing essential parts of the railroad for operation.

140 feet of my home 4 3/4" track in Sacramento was stolen last Thursday night, September 8th. This includes 16 panels of track along with two switches. That constitutes a good portion of the 538 feet that was its previous total length.

These guys knew what they were doing, taking the time to unscrew the fishplates as well as bringing along a nutdriver to unscrew rail from the plastic ties. They were kind enough to leave one crossing panel for me (how generous!). My guess is that they took the track for the aluminum as is usually the case at SVLS (hopefully to help hurricane victims, but I doubt it).

If you see anyone trying to sell you some track (it was 1/2" and 1" high rail), please contact Matt Mason at 916-366-7438.

Sept. 6, 2005 - Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum has been invited by the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation to participate in an Admission Day Weekend festival to celebrate California's rich heritage. Because SVLSRM is a railroad museum, the state would like us to participate with other museum organizations in the Sacramento area at this event.

Dates are: Friday, Step. 9 through Sunday Step. 11, 10:00am - 5:00pm.

The main highlight is the grand opening of the recently renovated Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park. SVLS will have a display of our steam locomotive, several cars, and other items on the CHP building roof garden located between 7th and 8th, and N and O streets in downtown Sacramento.

Volunteers are needed. Please contact Joel Corbin (916-961-5075) or Pete Arney (916-988-2000) if you would like to help out.

Sept. 6, 2005 - ALERT to stolen engine.

Yesterday I had my workshop broken into and someone stole me 0-4-0 I
was working on. It is a 1 1/2" Railroad Supply Switcher. I had the
left side running gear almost done, the chassis was all done with the
smoke box installed. The number plate on the front is number 98. The
drivers are painted black and the rest is either not painted or gray
primer. Most of the running gear was not screwed down. If anyone has
information about this please contact me at:

Eric Hawley
5789 Alta Vista Ave
San Diego, Ca 92114
ehawley2@cox.net <mailto:ehawley2@cox.net> "

July 1, 2005 - Amy Lutrel is appointed our membership coordinator.

Richard Lutrel is appointed to Trainmaster to complete
                        current term (2005).

June 26, 2005 - added video sent to us by Scott Herring of his visit to our Fall 2004 meet.

June 13, 2005 - See great photos of SVLS Spring meet by Dan Morris .
See more train photos at Dan's "Live Steaming In The Pacific Northwest" & More!

May 26, 2005 - Added Diamond Valley Railway to railroad links

May 23, 2005 - Spring Meet pictures on-line. If you have some good ones please send them to the editor.

April 1, 2005 - "Thieves sidetrack railroad" news article Published in The Grapevine Independent on April 1, 2005.

Read news article

Read Grapevine Commentary

March 25, 2005 - Vandals removed the rest of the Sugar Pine cutoff and two more switches. Track is not usable.

This means NO run day for March 26 th. This means no trains for the kids at the Easter Egg Hunt in the park.

The April 2nd public run day is also canceled.

March 23, 2005 - Vandals removed 120 ft. of dual gauge track along the Sugar Pine cutoff.  Removed was most of the siding and the south switch. Not sure when it happened.   About 15 ft. and the north switch are all that remains.  A police report has been made.

Feb. 24, 2005 - SVLS meeting for March 18th has been canceled. We will see you in April.

Feb. 24, 2005 - Please note that March run days are the Saturday the 5th and SATURDAY the 26th. The 26 is also the Easter egg hunt in the park.

Saturday Feb. 18, 2005

Vern says thanks to everybody who came out to help with the cutting down of two more of the Fruitless Mulberry trees.

Dec. 2004 - Our new name is now:
Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum, Inc.

Nov. 14, 2004 - SVLS is featured at the International Rail Fair by the Sacramento Bee - see the Metro section in Sunday's paper.

Read Bee article on-line

Oct. 31, 2004 - skeleton crew run train for Haunted House at SVLS

train with skeleton engeneer

Oct. 26, 2004 - Track fixed thanks to the good work by Pete and his crew.

Oct. 24, 2004 - Vandalism again on SVLS track. During the previous week rail was cut and remove from the track along the cure by the bike trail (RiverView). In addition more rail was damaged with the bolt cutters by trying to cut the rail but did not complete the cut.

This track must be fixed prior to the "Ghost train" event this coming Friday. If you can come and help please call Pete Arney 916 956-2870.

new track picture

Page updated:  Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Copyright © 2025 - Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum, Inc. All rights reserved
Photos remain the Copyright of their respective owners.