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G scale plans.

Several members have G scale trains and the club has been talking about installing a G scale layout for a few years. The Board has determined there is currently an interest, and has decided to proceed.

On Saturday, December 22 several interested members looked over the preliminary layout and determined that the project will be a two phase build out; Phase 1 - a smaller starter loop layout with about 100 feet of rail on each of the two tracks, and Phase 2 - an extension that results in a dog bone configuration with about 230 feet of rail on each of the two tracks. If you plan to attend the New Year’s run you will see the proposed layout. Share your suggestions or constructive opinions with Andy Berchelli.

The track for this layout has been provided as a donation by Jim Welch, and should work well. The layout will be on an elevated structure, about 36" above the grade. Framing will probably be comprised of a horizontal deck structure using welded or bolted together angle or Unistrut, supported on steel pipe post, and decked with cement board or Hardie Board. Various interested members are looking to secure components from work places or donations from supply houses. When the elevated structure is complete, the intent is to fill in portions of the layout with planters and bonsai type landscaping. 

The Board has created a G Scale Fund for donations. This project will depend solely on donations and will not use any of the clubs funds. The members may ask to use some of the Clubs tools and facilities. Any members wishing to contribute to this project should make donations specifically for the “G Scale Project” thru the club Treasurer, Alison Berry, address as listed for the Club. 

It is hoped that the Phase 1 project will be completed for the Spring Meet. Want to help? Come to the club work day on January 12 to get the project underway. On this day, we hope to get footing excavated, and posts placed in concrete. Beyond, the work days will hopefully proceed on a weekly basis. 

Questions, contact Phil Huntingdale - 916-408-1747 or

E-mail: phuntingdale@sbcglobal.net









Page updated: Sunday 02/16/25 14:17:24

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